For any questions about GO FAR please post on this page in the comment section and it will be answered asap.
1. It is a non-profit program (501 c3) that participates in the
national cause of taking steps to prevent childhood obesity.
GO FAR is devoted to the youth of the community and strives
to equip them with the ideal resources that will empower them through healthy
GO FAR operates in all
elementary and middle Dare County Schools for a fall season and a spring
Why is this
Childhood Obesity is a national epidemic that
endangers the health of our youth.
GO FAR offers a healthy outlet that invests in
each individual and motivates them to reach their potential.
It is a non-profit organization that is a
valuable resource to bringing the community together in a healthy, enriching,
and inspiring setting.
2. GO FAR is not operated by any other organization: (examples)
- Dare County Schools
-Dare County After-School
- Outer Banks Sporting Events
These organizations partner with us and allow us to use their facility or event to help us operate successfully and smoothly.
3. Our coaches are volunteer! We are able to offer this program to a large number of community children thanks to the support and hard-work of volunteers. The more help we have the larger we can grow! The larger we can grow the more chances a child has to be inspired and GO FAR!
4. Coaches are well-trained through meetings, sharing of documents and policies, and by following a curriculum. Coaches have background checks, an Emergency Action Plan to follow, a contact list, a national Code of Ethics, a behavior policy, and a curriculum to guide them.
5. The curriculum trains the runners through content of best nutritional practices, proper running technique, character building, and goal setting.
6. Common Safety Concerns:
-Hydration: Water is the life fuel and is essential to excelling in running performance. It is important to stay well-hydrated, which is why we encourage or provide students to have water-bottles at practice and drink often.
-Running Abilities: (+ Event Groups)
GO FAR is divided into 3 groups: 8k, 5k, and 1 mile FUN RUN. This is based on the event they are training for and which level is appropriate for them. Those within the group are typically the same age but it is divided by experience and ability. 8k is only offered to middle schools, 5k is 8 and above or experienced participants, and the 1 mile group is early school age or beginners.
With the program being volunteer based it can be difficult to staff enough coaches at each school site. Safety would never be sacrificed to make ends meet. There will always be a head coach at each school. There will never be less than two coaches with each group. A director will fill in any spaces needed or make a judgement call to cancel practice if we are really short. Participants are supervised every moment of practice from arrival to the last person leaves.
Fall 2012 #s
274 registered particpants
218 participated in the race at the end of the season
8 schools
48 volunteers
21 volunteer hours a season (only counting practice: 3 hours a week, 7 weeks)
304 participants for Thanksgiving Day in Southern Shores
When it comes to $ #s...let's simply say our registration fee does not cover our expense fees. As a non-profit we function based off of sponsorships, grants, and fundraisers. We are very grateful for the support we have in our efforts.
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